Actor Ages

Frequently asked questions

  1. Where is the information about actors, movies and locations sourced from?

    All the information is parsed from (the English) Wikipedia under the CC BY-SA 4.0 license.
  2. My favorite movie or actor cannot be found. Why?

    There are a couple of rules for movies and actors on Wikipedia to be included.
    • A movie needs to be assigned to a specific category for it to be considered a movie. The categories that are currently parsed are 1900 Films → 2039 Films
    • An actor needs to have their own dedicated page. Groups, bands, duos, trios etc are not considered, as the individual member details (name, birth/death date, ...) can't easily be extracted consistently. Actors also must be referenced from a cast list of a movie. Actors without any references from a movie aren't included.
    • Movies need to have their cast listed. If no actors can be extracted from the page, then the movie is not included. Actors are fetched from the 'starring' field in the infobox, and from the 'Cast' section in the body.
    • The cast section in the body of a movie-page is expected to be a list, where the actor link is the first node of the line, e.g. [[Keanu Reeves]] as Neo, ... A piece of text at the bottom of the cast section mentioning Actor A, B and C also featured in the movie... will not result in those actors being included in the cast, as this is pretty much impossible to parse. There is however a way to explicitly override/include an actor in a movie by way of custom instructions, but these have to be done manually. The custom instructions applied to each movie, actor or location are shown on the bottom of their respective pages.
  3. I see an error on a particular movie, actor or location page. How can I fix it?

    • Make sure the corresponding Wikipedia page contains the correct information. If it has been updated recently, it will take some time before the corrected information is loaded in this site. The import happens around the beginning of each month.
    • If the information has been correct on Wikipedia for a while, use the Report error link at the bottom of the movie, actor or location page to submit a message.
  4. Why aren't there movie posters on the movie page?

    Movie posters are copyrighted, so they are not included.
  5. An actor on Wikipedia has a picture, but this site doesn't. Why?

    Before importing a picture of an actor, the license of that image is checked. Only public domain and creative commons licensed images (or similar) are imported.
  6. Why don't you use the information from IMDB or TVDB?

    The goal of the site was to approach the challenge of parsing semi-unstructured data from Wikipedia. While pulling in information from an API is considerably easier, that wasn't really the point. See the about page for more information on the technical side of this project.

    Errors discovered or missing information completed helps Wikipedia as well. Already well over 1300 changes have been made to Wikipedia movie and actor pages.

  7. How do I contact you?

    You can send an email to actorages at zappatic dot net
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