Actor Ages

Search through 143,999 movies and 112,004 actors


All data was extracted from Wikipedia dump 20240620.

140 categories were processed (1900 Films → 2039 Films), resulting in 143,999 movies, 112,004 actors, 1,168,720 actor roles and 18,534 birthplace locations.

Do take these statistics with a grain of salt, as only actors that have a link to a dedicated page are retained, and movies without any linked actors are omitted. There are many actors that do not have their own dedicated page.

Recently deceased actors

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Movies with identical names

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Actors with identical names

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Actors with most roles

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Most movie producing countries
  • 53,903: United States of America
  • 23,880: India
  • 10,695: United Kingdom
  • 8,310: France
  • 7,218: Germany

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Actors that died before the movie was released

In many cases these can indicate errors, where on a Wikipedia movie-page a cast member is linked to a different person with the same name. For correctly linked actors, it's often archival footage, or of course people that did in fact die shortly before their movie was released.

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Actors that were born after the movie was released

These are errors on Wikipedia, most likely by linking a cast member to a person with a similar name unrelated to the movie.

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Youngest actors (acting in a movie)

These could point to errors on Wikipedia, where actors are linked to different person with the same name.

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Oldest actors (acting in a movie)

To avoid archival footage, people that have a known death date that is more than two years before the movie release date are omitted. Of course, this rule can't be applied to people for which the death date is unknown.

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Movies released per year
% of actors still alive today per movie release year

It is highly unlikely that people not only born over a hundred years ago, but also starred in a movie that was released over a hundred years ago are still alive. The bars in the graph above for movies released over a hundred years ago are clickable, and will show a list of people still considered alive. In pretty much all cases, this simply boils down to a missing death date on the Wikipedia page for the actor.

Average age of actors per movie release year
Actor birthplaces
Actor origins
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